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Vendredi 6 décembre de 17h-18h je serai sur place au Centre d’art d’Argenteuil à Lachute pour parler de mes œuvres et de mon livre au centre d'Art d'Argenteuil au 585 rue Principale à Lachute.

Photo du rédacteur: diane houde artistediane houde artiste

Join me on Friday December 6th between 5-6pm at the Marché des Fêtes at 585 rue Principale in Lachute. I will be talking about my artworks (which appear in my book and have won a Gold medal in Paris, France in 2021. It will be my pleasure to autograph my book for you upon purchase. Who can brag to have original artworks that were published in a book in 2022 and are in the archives of Canada in Ottawa, and Quebec city ? I can.

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